November 2024 Lower South Caregiver News

Kia Ora Otago and Southland!
What a winter we have had this year with the cold temperatures, massive amounts of rain and to top it off some amazing Auroras in the sky down here in the South, just to remind us what a beautiful country we live in!
I have not long returned from the Caring Families National Conference in Christchurch, Keeping up the PACE. The amazing speakers who presented and caregivers I got to meet were inspiring and certainly made me think about how to put into practice some of the tools I came away with.
I hope everyone got a chance to check out the Family Fun Days that have been happening around the region with movies and pool parties being offered in different areas. I will be at the Dunedin event on the 17th November so look out for me at Moana Pools!
Hard to believe, but Christmas is around the corner again! Do you have any traditions or activities you like to do with your whānau to celebrate? Every year me and my tamariki like to go along to the speedway for a bit of noisy action and go for a drive around Dunedin to look at the different Christmas light displays on show. The children love seeing the different scenes with lights and music that help to add to the Christmas excitement for the year.
Ngā mihi,

- Dunedin is having the HeArts of Healing Care training in person on the 5th of November. Register and join us for this training that introduces the world of Therapeutic Parenting and is great as an entry level course for caregivers.
- Come and join myself and Christine on the 19th November for an Ako Ngātahi (Learning Together) session called Looking After Self.
- I will also be facilitating “Helping Children Feel Safe: on the 2nd and 3rd December (10-11.30am) which is a great training for heading into the holiday season with!
Register for these and other great trainings by clicking the button below – there are lots of wonderful opportunities coming up.
Family Fun Days!
The Family Fun Days in our Region are happening over the next two months so come along to one for a bit of fun with your whanau.
Get your ticket by registering online Family Fun Days – Caring Families
Christmas is Coming!
Keep an eye out on the Lower South Caring Families Facebook Page for Christmas events in your area or links to Christmas activities.
Southland Coffee & Cake
Group Contact: Rose
Next Meeting: 20th November @ 11.30am at Buster Crabs, Invercargill
Dunedin Support Group
Group Contact: Andrea
Next Meeting: 14th November. Keep an eye on our Lower South Facebook page for time and place
Oamaru Support Group
Group Contact: Sarah
Next Meeting: 14th November @ 10am at Collective Café, Oamaru
Caregiving can have it’s rewarding and it’s tough moments! If you would like to be a part of a support group / coffee group, we would love to help connect you with other caregivers who are also on this journey. Please get in touch with me ( or our National Office (0800 693 323) and we can awhi (support) you to make it happen.
Also keep an eye on our Lower South Facebook page (Caring Families Aotearoa Lower South Support | Facebook) for our Support group meet ups!