0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


November 2024 North West Caregiver News

photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Ebony Phillips

North West Regional Coordinator

M: 027 501 0394

Tena Koutou Katoa

What a full-on couple of months we have had at Caring Families Aotearoa! Conference was a blast! It was a privilege to be hosting our members and guests down in Christchurch and the hospitality of Rydges was amazing. It was difficult to leave you all because of how inspiring and joyful you all are. It was great to see so many caregivers take a break and enjoy one-another’s company. Check out the photo below of me and my husband all dressed up for the Country and Western themed Conference Dinner!

Preparing for the end of year can be stressful. I would suggest breaking your worries up into categories, think about what is within your control and ask if you have the resources to meet that demand.

If not, think of how you can increase your resources to help cope with that demand. And then finally, what is outside of my control that I need to accept. This will help you to focus on things that are important and put aside things that can be left for another day.

Want to print photos but find it costly? Well maybe this is the deal for you. Snapfish offer 50 free photos a month for the year – you just have to pay for the delivery. Simply download the app, register with Snapfish and away you go. If you want to kickstart your Life Stories books or make Christmas cards using photos, then this could be what you’re looking for. For more information click below.


We have a range of online training still available.

I will be delivering Difficult Behaviours – Managing Confrontation and Intimidating Interactions on 12th November, and 14th November from 10am – 11:30am.

If you want to connect with my online training, please click here.

To see the national training calendar, please click the button below.


Family Fun Days are close, and we would love to see you there! For registrations and tickets please click here.


Taranaki Caregiver Support Group
Date: 28 November
Time: 10am – 12pm
Location: Linking Kin Rooms, 85 Molesworth Street, New Plymouth
Details: Join us for a relaxed coffee and conversation

RSVP: Nigel Christie 021595956


Ngā mihi,
