During September we are running three online training sessions. Please register for a session by clicking on the Training Calendar link at the bottom of the page.
Our Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Online Training (FASD) is on 13 September 7.30pm – 10.00pm. This is an invaluable session for understanding the difference between intentional behaviour and symptoms of FASD, as well as learn strategies for caring for a child with FASD.
![Copy of FASD Online Support Group [INSTAGRAM]](

Our Ako Ngātahi Learning Together ‘Parenting in a Healing Way’ is a 1 hour facilitated online session. You can choose from a day and evening session on the 28 & 29 Sept. It will give you a greater understanding of how to create healthy patterns of communicating so that children feel safe and emotionally connected.
Difficult Behaviours – Managing Confrontation & Intimidating Interactions is an online workshop delivered in two sessions. We look at confrontational interactions between care experienced tamariki and their caregivers. Caregivers are encouraged to explore the reasons why children can act this way and the importance of stepping aside from such behaviours. (You must attend both sessions to receive a certificate of completion.)

If you have any problems registering or connecting please call us on 0800 693 323 for technical assistance.