Kia ora koutou,
I hope you and your bubble are well. I have never used the word “bubble” so much as over the last six weeks!
It has been a great opportunity to connect with more caregivers as I have been ringing people to check in. If I haven’t got to you yet, please feel free to give me a call for a chat.
Many of the caregivers I have talked to have reported that they are finding the routine and structure easier to manage than usual, and are appreciating not having to get kids ready for school, activities, appointments etc. Others are craving a bit more adult company!

Rob Thomson
Otago RC
03 470 1277 or 027 501 0005
It has been great connecting with those of you that have been joining in on our regular ‘Zoom’ sessions over the lockdown period. If you are feeling the need to see different faces or simply download and up load, join us in our next Zoom session. Watch out for the invitation on our Facebook group and via email.

You show resilience, love and healing to those who have experienced trauma and insecurity AND you do this while juggling the same personal / whānau / family and work struggles as the rest of the world. You are the true heroes.
We will get through this and be stronger for it.
Kia kaha, kia hauora, me kia atawhai
Be strong, be healthy, and be kind
Ngā mihi mahana