0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Register A Support Group

A support group is made up of like minded people who want to get together regularly and support each other. There can be more than one group in an area and a group can be either open or closed. An open group is one that we will advertise on our website and welcome new members. A closed group can invite / include new members if all the existing members agree.

Each registered support group will have access to our communication channels, a contribution towards the cost of refreshments for your support group meetings, assistance with events and L’Oreal product for their members.

How to set up a new support group

  • Complete and submit a support group registration form to National Office(Please see online form below).
  • Each support group must have one liaison person. The role of the liaison is to organise the meetings/get togethers, liaise with national office and have access to the support group information through our online system.
  • Once National Office receives this form they will contact the liaison person to sign a liaison person agreement.
  • Once this is signed, National Office will send you a welcome pack including instructions and a link to access the support group system.

How caregivers join a support group

A caregiver can join a support group at any time by calling Caring Families Aotearoa on 0800 693 323 or emailing enquiries@caringfamilies.org.nz. A caregiver can be part of more than one group. When a caregiver joins Caring Families Aotearoa, we will provide them a list of open support groups in their area. The new caregiver can go along to a meeting and decide whether they would like to join. Support groups will also be promoted on our website.


Caring Families Aotearoa will pay a contribution of $5 per Caring Families Aotearoa member, towards the refreshments for your meeting. Support groups can claim a contribution for up to eight meetings per year. Any further claims will be dependent on funding availability.

You can also claim for up to two ‘mentors’ per meeting. A ‘mentor’ is a member of Caring Families Aotearoa who is not a caregiver: they may be a professional, retired or having a break.

Claiming your meeting/get together contribution is easy, you will be supplied a link and log in details when your support group is set up. Complete the online form and then submit it. The contribution will be deposited into the nominated bank account within two working weeks.

If you have any problems, please call us on 0800 693 323 for assistance.


  • Minimum of three people in rural areas and five in urban areas.
  • Majority of support group members must be Caring Families Aotearoa members. Caring Families Aotearoa will pay a meeting contribution for those who are Caring Families Aotearoa members.
  • There must be one liaison person who must be a member of Caring Families Aotearoa.
  • A support group can include ‘mentors’. Mentors are members of Caring Families Aotearoa that are no longer caregiving, are professionals or are having a break from caring. Caring Families Aotearoa will pay for up to two ‘mentors’ per meeting.
  • A Caring Families Aotearoa member can be part of more than one support group.
  • The group will align with the vision, mission and guiding principles of Caring Families Aotearoa.
  • Members of the support group agree to the Confidentiality Agreement and Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Funding for special events

If your support group is organising a special event and needs additional funding they can apply to the Regional Committee. Each Regional Committee has an annual budget to use for events being held throughout their region. This amount is reviewed annually and set within budget limitations.

Support groups must apply to the Regional Committee for event funding:

    1. Complete the event proposal funding application, (available here).
    2. Email the completed form to your Regional Coordinator who will present your proposal at the next Regional Committee meeting, make sure that the application is submitted in a timely manner as Committee meetings are monthly.
    3. Caring Families Aotearoa can pay approved expenses by sending a tax invoice to finance@caringfamilies.org.nz. These can be paid either prior to the event or after the event.
    4. Complete a short survey about how your event went.

How support groups communicate

Support Group/Association liaison will be able to see contact details for caregivers in their Support Group on the secure Support Groups Link (formerly the Association Link). Support Groups can choose the best communication method for their group. Some ways to communicate are:

    1. Support groups can submit a mail out to their group and/or other caregivers in their region through the Caring Families Aotearoa mail system.
    2. Smaller support groups/closed support groups may choose to communicate through text messages or personal email to organise their meetings.
    3. Meetings and get togethers can be advertised on the Caring Families Aotearoa website calendar and in our monthly newsletter, Snippets.

Support Group Registration Form

Please complete this form to apply to become a new support group