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Remembering Billie Galloway

It is with great sadness that I write this message. Billie Galloway (Aunty Billie) passed away Saturday morning surrounded by friends and family. This has left a huge hole in our world, but the legacy she has left behind has made her one of our greatest heros and she will forever remain a legend in the care sector. As far as records show, it seems Billie and her husband William began their care journey in 1950 and they dedicated their lives to caring for children and caregivers. They ran a Family Home for many years and remained committed to supporting Family Homes right up to the very end.

Billie has been heavily involved with our organisation from the start in many ways, both in her work with the Auckland Association and from 2010 as a Critical Support Worker. In 2016 at our 40th anniversary we honoured her with a Life/Honourary membership. Those of you present at that celebration will remember a very moving tribute paid to her by a former child in care, who in adulthood went on to be an outstanding caregiver herself.

Billie’s lifelong gift has been celebrated with the presentation of many awards and we will continue to honour her at Caring Families Aotearoa. Those of us who knew and worked with Billie have been truly blessed to have done so.

Hei maumaharatanga kite tino hoa
In loving memory of a dear friend.
