0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278



photo of Stephanie the National Manager Training and Support

Ebony Phillips

Lower North Regional Coordinator

M: 027 501 0394

Tena koutou katoa,

Heads up mums, Father’s Day is almost here, 3rd of September – Save the date! This is a wonderful occasion for our children to share their feelings and appreciation. My advice is, let the children do it! If the toast is burnt who cares, eggs too hard, who cares! Appreciating the thought, time and effort is what matters to our children. Mums, be there to share in the experience, soak in the memories, the laughter and the mess. Take a photo of the chaos of that morning so that you all can reflect on that day again. Dads, put on that smile, even if that breakfast isn’t looking the best.  It’s our response that has a huge impact on our children’s self-esteem and confidence. They just want to make you proud! To all the Dads out there I hope it’s special and filled with fun and laughter. On a side note, Rugby World Cup is about to begin, maybe ask the kids to add a season subscription for all the live games!

Of course, this day can also bring up anxiety among our tamariki and caregivers.  Maybe talk to your tamariki about Father’s Day and the meaning behind it.   To our mothers, nanas, uncles and aunties who sometimes have to do some of the father’s role, you also have a fantastic day!!!

I cannot believe that this term is almost coming to an end, on the 22nd September. As we prepare to wrap up another term of the school year here are some tips that I have always found helpful in keeping my children busy:

Baking for the community

My tamariki and I would turn every part of the process into a bonding experience from planning the recipes, gathering the ingredients, baking together, packaging, making cards and the best part of all delivering our goodies to people who we thought needed a bit of love in their life. Teaching our children to give back can be one of the best life lessons that they can learn from us.

One major cleaning task

For example, a kitchen clean out, or the garage, whatever that task is that has been annoying you for weeks or months, well this is the best time to get that job done. Children can feel encouraged when they feel like they are helping you. The trick is the experience, blast their music, let them explore the room and let them figure out where they can start and what they would like to do in that space. Allow them to take some control in the shared space.  Where they think plates and cups should go makes them feel a part of the home environment. (Don’t worry mums you can always direct them to a spot that you know functions better through a bit of PACE!) It’s all about working together.

Walking to explore

There’s nothing like being in nature; walking through the bush or along the beach is such a peaceful moment. I have had some wonderful conversations with my children in our walks.

Do Less and Rest

Our children spend a lot of time at school, extra curricular activities, play dates, and for our children in care they have social worker visits, family visits and so on. Just like adults, our children need time to rest and relax. I know its difficult for parents that work and children that go to school holiday programmes. Instead, maybe think of how your evenings can be a relaxing experience for you and your children. When we carve out time in our day to relax, we are encouraging our children to care for their own wellbeing, to remember how to regulate our stress and triggers. Holidays can become a good opportunity to take time to rest.


We’re offering lots of different topics online, for you to participate in the comfort of your own home at various times, have a look at our online schedule below.


Venue: Upcoming support group meetings below!

Wellington Foster Care Association

Father’s Day Celebration! Dinner on us!

  • Date: Saturday 2nd September, from 6.00pm
  • Venue: Wilson Barbecue, 17 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville
  • RSVP: Tori 027 425 4709

Levin PACE Support Group

Join us fellow caregivers for a chat, morning tea and coffee.

  • Contact Greg and Domi 0212937028
  • Date: Wednesday 6th September, 10:00AM – 12:00PM
  • Red Cross Hall, 526 Queen Street East, Levin

Kapiti Foster Care Support Group

Join us for an afternoon at the POOLS!

  • Contact Rebecca 0220103406 or Ginny 0211535450
  • Sunday 24th September, 2.00pm – 4.00pm, Coastlands Aquatic Centre
  • Register now with Rebecca or Ginny (Spots are limited RSVP by 20/09/23)

Masterton Support Group

  • Thursday 14th September, 10:30AM – 12:30PM
  • Contact Ebony 0275010394
  • Hosted by Ebony your Regional Coordinator and Rob Surtees (CFA’s Therapist) for a chat, morning tea and coffee. REAP House, 340 Queens Street, Masterton (Meet in the Puketapu room)


blossom valley after dark


I heard of the Blossom Valley Spring Fling and thought this event would be a wonderful, relaxing way for some of us to get together in the Wellington region.

Aston Norwood Gardens are beautiful in their own right but in Spring the blossom trees are magical, and with the Blossom Valley After Dark Experience you see the gardens in a different light, literally, under a glowing canopy of breathtaking beauty.

This is an adult only event, as in only adults are given this time just for themselves through the whole gardens. If there was ever a place where you can take time for yourself or a much-needed date night, then this event is for you. So please join me on;

  • Friday 15th September from 7.00pm – 9.00pm (Meet in the carpark at 6.45pm)
  • Address -Aston Norwood Gardens, 1747 State Highway 2, Kaitoke, Wellington

We’ll have free coffee and toasted marshmallows over the open fire.

RSVP to Ebony – lowernorth@caringfamilies.org.nz

We have limited tickets so get in quick.


Ngā mihi,
