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From left to right: Ebony Fleming, Hon. Poto Williams and Tahirah Morton.

Te Mātātaki 2021

There were many positive results in the survey that show caregivers are making a difference for the children in their care. Many tamariki and rangatahi in care feel settled, well looked after, loved, and accepted:

– 81% said that the adults they live with look after them well all the time.
– 77% said they have people in their lives who love them no matter what.
– 69% said that the adults they live with accept them for who they are.
– 64% said they have friends they can talk to about anything.
– 64% said they feel settled where they live now.

However, the results also highlighted areas where tarmariki and rangatahi in care are not having positive experiences. From these findings, Oranga Tamariki has identified six priority areas where action needs to be focused. These areas are:

  1. Supporting contact with whānau.
  2. Enabling participation in decisions.
  3. Strengthening relationships with Social Workers.
  4. Providing opportunities to learn about whakapapa and culture.
  5. Supporting tamariki and rangatahi to have confidence in the future.
  6. Improving experiences for tamariki and rangatahi who identify as Māori and Pacific.

Oranga Tamariki have been entrusted with the views and perspectives of the tamariki and rangatahi who completed the survey and they are committed to improving their expereiences.  We look forward to the initiatives that are being put in place to address the six priorities and seeing improvements in next years’ Te Mātātaki report.