Kia ora Kotou Katoa,
As we approach another Christmas where life looks very different to a few short years ago, and our country enters another system that we are yet to get our heads around, I wanted to take the time to express my gratitude to the caregivers that have kept the ship steady for our tamariki (children) in order to keep their seas as calm as possible. Your selfless commitment and resiliency for our most valuable has meant that, amid the uncertainty, and sometimes chaos, you offer hope for a future and better life for our children. I feel such a privilege to be able to walk alongside you, share the good and the not so good and enjoy those moments when we are still able to join together. Whether this is training or fun events, I will now appreciate moments when we congregate, knowing that we can no longer take these times for granted. It is more important than ever to wish you all a very safe Christmas and loving times with those most important to us.

Denise Green
Upper South Regional Coordinator
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
Thank you to all those who supported me by attending trainings and events. Here are some photos of the lovely Christmas events we have had so far.
I will be on leave from 23rd December to 24th January 2022. Should you require support during this time, contact our National Office on 0800 693 323. The national office will also be closed from 23 Dec – 17 January.
Meri Kirihimete (Merry Christmas)
Noho ora mai koe i roto i ngā manaakitanga katoa ( May you remain well in every way)
Nelson Christmas Event

Blenheim Christmas Event

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