Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa / Warm greetings to you all,
As I write this, I reflect on where we were 12 months ago. Who would have believed that this virus would still be prevalent in the world and that our borders would still be closed. I am sure that there have been many of you that have been affected by the disruption to our lives and I stay compassionate to those that have either not been able to have loved ones join you or you not able to join loved ones in times of loss. Although our Foster Care Awareness Week was disrupted due to alert levels at the time, I have had wonderful feedback from those that have enjoyed the Pizza meal offer and if you haven’t yet registered for it then please do.

Denise Green
Upper South RC
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
We have managed to either still hold our Foster Care Awareness week events or postpone them for the near future. We had some lovely coffee events in Blenheim, a pool party in Westport and have an upcoming Farm visit in Nelson. I always enjoy catching up with folk and seeing the connections happening between caregivers. You can never underestimate the value of the support that you are able to offer each other and the kids always seem to have loads of fun. Take note of the contact numbers of those that run the support groups for their next catch-ups.
I want to alert you to the things we have on our radar. Keep an eye out for the pamper events that we are planning. We also have our national conference – Keeping PACE that will be held in Lower Hutt in September. This is a firm highlight for me and I encourage caregivers to seek support from your agencies to attend. Maybe get it included in your Caregiver Support Plan!
We have been given an invite to the Tahunanui Community Hub Bingo night
Tickets available are available through the following link:
Kia kaha kia maia kia manawanui / Thanks for being strong, steadfast, and willing,
Thanks for your Feedback: TRAINING – National Caregiver Training Programme
We really do appreciate your feedback. This last year has been an unsettling time. We know we’ve postponed trainings due to the COVID alert levels fluctuating and people’s apprehension in returning to workshops in the aftermath of alert level changes. We know we’ve cancelled trainings due to low numbers. We’ve been working on a new training registration system that hasn’t always been as responsive to you as we would have liked. We’ve heard that this has affected your confidence in what we can provide. We apologise that this has been the experience of some of you. We believe very strongly in the importance of Caregiver learning and so are very aware of what we need to clearly communicate to you going forward. There will be some changes from July, we will let you know once the details have been confirmed. Thank you once again for your feedback. If you have any feedback please email
Please take a look at our training calendar below and register if something catches your eye. You can call me or our Training Coordinator, Dagmar, if you need any further information about training.
Coffee Support Groups
Tuesday 13 April (Note change of date due to easter and venue)
10 am
Tahunanui Community Hub, 55 Muritai Street, Tahunanui
Whānau coffee group Nelson
Contact Sharon Norriss for venue details
Blenheim Grandparents
10:30 am
Contact Kim Boyce for the venue
Contact Bev Bade for the next meeting date.
021 520 172
Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?
As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.
Click the link below to join!