Kia ora koutou,
As I pen this month’s newsletter, it is the first day of term 3. It is teeming down with rain into grounds that are already sodden. These holidays have sent our region into another difficult time. Westport in particular, but also Marlborough and the wider region in general, have been pelted with record-breaking rain and flooding. I know personally how devastating this cleanup will be and how long it will take. As I rang around caregivers, I was heartened by the strength and compassion that people were showing, the resiliency that is thrust upon you to keep going will no doubt get shaky as the weeks go on. Please reach out to others in the community, take help when it is offered, and know that this stress will undoubtedly show in the behaviours of our tamariki (children) as they too come under stress. The schools in Westport are still evacuation centers and so even going back to school will be affected.

Denise Green
Upper South Regional Coordinator
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
Sit with your children in their big emotions, and empathise with how hard it is for all of us. We don’t necessarily need to offer them solutions just acceptance for how they feel. It speaks to the A and E of our PACE model.
I also wish to give a huge thanks to the following generous businesses for their response to my request for dry firewood. What I thought would be a single truckload of firewood for caregivers turned into a bit of an operation on a much larger scale. I am truly grateful.
- Eurocell wood products Nelson, their astounding generosity of four containers of kiln-dried firewood.
- Richmond Wood and Coal for a large truckload of firewood.
- PJH earthworks who transported.
- TNL Nelson and Westport for rescuing me from a logistical dilemma – transported and unloaded four containers of wood from Nelson to Westport, not once, but twice!
- Pearsons Contractors Westport who made room in their yard, filled multitudes of trailers, and even delivered some, even though they themselves were affected by the flood and have their business to keep going as well.
- Last but not least Caring Families Aotearoa, who allowed me the time to make this happen.

Registrations for What’s Behind the Behaviour – Healing Centred Engagement are now open! This DDP informed workshop has an emphasis on ‘connection with correction’ to provide a secure and safe base for the child.
Click the button below for more details and to register:
If you have any questions, require assistance registering or wish to register by phone please contact:
Dagmar Cronauer, Training Administrator
Free 0800 693 323 l Ph 04 282 0767
Support Groups
Tuesday 3 August
10 am
Tahunanui Community Hub, 55 Muritai Street, Tahunanui
Whānau coffee group Nelson
Every second Friday
Contact Sharon Norriss for venue details
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
1 pm – 3pm
St Andrew’s Church Lounge, 64 High Street, Motueka
Blenheim Grandparents
Every second Friday
10 am
Contact Kim Boyce for the venue
Contact Bev Bade for the next meeting date.
021 520 172
FASD – Fetal Alcohol Support Group
If you have a child that you think might have been prenatally exposed to alcohol and see behaviour symptoms then come along to either of these support groups to learn and encourage each other.
Wednesday 11 August, 7 pm
Tahunanui Community Centre, 55 Muritai Street, Nelson
Thursday 12 August, 10 am
Tahunanui Community Centre, 55 Muritai Street, Nelson
RSVP Denise on 027 36 93333
Ngā mihi nui,
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