Meri Kirihimete from the Upper South region.
Well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said about this extraordinary year that is coming to a close! Except to say, that I feel very blessed to be in Aotearoa and part of an amazing care community in the Upper South. The support groups in the region are continuing to grow and are developing into something very special, where we see exchanges of phone numbers and offers of support. Although I can’t get to all the groups around the region as much as I would like, I am always welcomed and enjoy being with you when I can. Most of these groups are initiated by members attending workshops and with all the new ones being made available, there is plenty of new material and opportunities to network. I have also really enjoyed Caring Families’ new initiative of introducing our Therapeutic Parenting model (PACE) through an online, monthly forum called Ako Ngatahi. If you haven’t yet found these, then take a look at the website under training.

Denise Green
Upper South RC
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
I look forward to 2021 and what is in store and in the pipeline as we navigate an ever changing environment in the care sector. Family events have again proven to be a very popular way for caregivers to network, and even with Covid, we have managed to have some awesome get togethers that have been well supported, bikes to tamariki, a teen and caregiver pamper day, Family Fun Days at the movies, pools and bowling and the Christmas events which are increasingly Upper South Famous! I am in the fortunate position of being well supported by all our stakeholders that pitch in to help with either financial support or manpower. In particular I’d like to give a shout out to our region’s Oranga Tamariki, Open Home Foundation, Fosterhope and Grandparents Raising Grandparents organisations, who enthusiastically get behind the event machine that makes these things possible. And of course, to our very generous sponsors L’Oreal who continue to provide us with their beautiful product.
I continue to be available for support and advocacy for those in need of my help and although we may not always get Plan A, I endeavour to aim for it and to push to have the voice and views of the caregiver put across the table. I know I have said it before but I feel very privileged to be in this role and share the highs and lows of this journey with you all.
I will be on leave until the end of January. Should you require support, contact our National Office on 0800 693 323. National Office will be closed from 24th December – 10th January.
I will be vacating my present office in the New Year and will hopefully be in a new one by mid-February.
Thank you to the amazing volunteers that are our Regional committee for the Upper South – Jennie and Stephen Teece, Bev Bade, Amy Brinkman, Sharon Norriss and Barbara Jones. Sharon Hunt, Chloe Rarity, our Marlborough Assn, without you I am alone!!
I truly wish you a very Mere Kirihimete , ngā mihi mō te Tau Hou, kia pai tō wā whakatā/ Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and have a great holiday.

The NCTP training team will be back into the swing of things in February. We have exciting opportunities for you and will be kicking off the year with more online courses, as well as weekend and evening training options in Term 1. We hope to add Legal Information for Caregivers and Identity & Belonging to our online selection. We will also be offering our Keeping Memories and Understanding the National Care Standards courses online again.
Check out our training calendar here. Courses will go live on the 18th of December.
Have you joined our closed Facebook Group?
As a member of Caring Families Aotearoa you have exclusive access to our CLOSED Facebook groups. These are only open to caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa. This allows our members a platform to seek support, information and resources.
Click the link below to join!