0800 693 323


Kia ora koutou,

Well, hasn’t life been a changing turn of events these last few months. I reflect back and see how everyone has had to adjust to an unprecendented and adbrupt change of circumstances. How well some have adjusted quickly and for others the struggle of being able to do so. The uncertainty of financial situations and the rapid change of how our lives can quickly alter with little to no warning.

Denise Green
Upper South RC
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333

It has lead me to think deeply of how the children in our care are often put into this same situation with the added component of grief and trauma. Is it any wonder why some have coped better than others with the Covid 19 situation?

I want to thank everyone of our caregivers for taking on the extra responsibilities of homeschooling, managing behaviours and anxiety and doing all those wonderful activities and family connections that came as an added bonus to being confined for an extended period. I suspect that we will naturally move back to what was normal very quickly, if shoppng centres are any indication! However, I would like to ask that you also reflect on those thoughts about how very hard it is for our tamariki in care to walk in two worlds, often with split loyalties and split identities as to where they should, or, do belong.

I think it is a very fitting time to have new training material available soon. Open up your delight in learning and engaging with other caregivers, gathering support as you go by the connections that are made when we learn together. As much as I have enjoyed and will carry on with virtual support (they have been fun), I really look forward to being face to face with you all again. Lets do this journey together.

Until training starts again, I will carry on with Wednesdays virtual groups. We are exploring some different platforms seeing as Zoom kicks us out after 40 minutes. I will keep you updated as to when our face to face support groups will recommence.

Kia kaha
Kia māia,
Kia manawanui
Be strong, be brave, be steadfast,


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