Tēna koutou katoa e te whanau,
My thoughts go out to all our fellow caregivers and others that have been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle. Being recent recipients of floods in our own region we can empathize with the massive job that those affected will be facing, there has been horrendous damage and tragedy. I wish them well with their recovery.
How have we arrived in March already? Coming up next week is Foster Care Awareness Week and I want to acknowledge all of our caregiving whānau for what you do. It goes beyond words and I look forward to being able to offer the events and small gestures of appreciation to you all. It would be awesome for you to take time for yourselves and attend and enjoy each other’s company.

Denise Green
Upper South Regional Coordinator
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
Please reach out if you think I may be able to lend you a listening ear or can help to support you in some way. My number is 0273693333, reach out with a call or via text.
Our support groups have started in Nelson and Westport and we will let you know via our Facebook page when they are happening around the region. Please find the details for our next get together below.
Coffee group in Nelson
Monday 13 March at 10.00am
55 Muritai Street (Tahunanui Community Hub)
Another great place to get support is our private closed Facebook group. This group is only open to our caregiver members, so you have the freedom to air your thoughts without judgement. Everyone in the group gets what you’re going through. Click below to join.
My days of work are Monday-Wednesday 9am-4:30pm, Thursday 9:30am-1:30pm. I am often away in my region for training and support so please ring me if you wish to pop in – 027 369 3333.
We have a new learning module in term one, so I look forward to catching up with you around the Upper South as we continue our DDP Therapeutic Parenting journey.
It has been such a privilege to be on this pathway as a fellow caregiver. We offer both face-to-face workshops and online varieties. These are the dates for our face-to-face training, check out the training schedule below to find out more and register.
- Friday 3 March – Helping Children Feel Safe – Greymouth (followed by an appreciation luncheon)
- Mon 6 March – Helping Children Feel Safe – Westport (followed by an appreciation luncheon)
- Monday 20 March – Helping Children Feel Safe -Nelson
Click below to learn more and sign up for any of our trainings!

During Foster Care Awareness Week (6-12 March), we will be holding the following events in the Upper South to celebrate all our wonderful caregivers:
- Appreciation lunch – Friday 3rd March, Greymouth, following training
- Appreciation lunch – Monday 6th March, Westport, following training
- BBQ at Burrell Park (besides my office) – Friday 10th March, Nelson
- Pizza on the foreshore (and free entry to the Edwin Fox) – Saturday 11th March, Picton
Please click below for more information and to register.
Tiaki i a koutou anō, look after yourselves!