Tēnā koe i roto i ngā āhuatanga i te wā / Greetings to you and the circumstances of the time,
Gosh, does this seem like a relevant greeting or what? During this time of moving up and down alert levels due to COVID-19.
Welcome to snippets for Whiringa-ā-nuku (October). By the time you receive this, we will have begun the school holidays and I wish you all well during these two weeks of hopefully enjoying the longer days of spring and possibly warmer sunny days. This term we have had some new learning opportunities and are reconnecting by kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) through Support Groups and Training. I must say, it is lovely to see you again in person! We have two more new learning opportunities which will become available in Term Four. An updated Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) training will also be available early next year.

Denise Green
Upper South RC
03 929 6578 or 027 369 3333
In Nelson, we will be running a Teen Connect and Caregiver Pamper Day on Sunday 18 October in the afternoon. Please let me know if you and your rangitahi (young person) are interested. We will have the pleasure of being joined by Chop City Barbers and Chics and Chaps Hairdressers on hand as well as VOYCE – Whakaronga Mai attending. There will be some goodies and kai (food) provided. The focus of this event to learn about youth in care transitioning to adulthood.

We have a busy term ahead, with our normal rush to the finish line for the year. I have also started to enquire about our famous fishing event for the end of the year and am in the planning stage for events in Marlborough and the West Coast. If you have some fabulous ideas, then please let me know.
POINT TO NOTE: These events are open to all caregivers in the Upper South if you don’t mind traveling to Nelson to attend them.
Just a reminder that there will be no Nelson coffee group in October as it coincides with the school holidays but will look forward to seeing you again on Tuesday 3 November at 10 am at Victory Church (238 Vanguard St, Nelson).
Kia kaha kia maia kia manawanui / Thanks for being strong, steadfast and willing,
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